That's it. At this point the stove should look and act very much like a Trangia. The only thing that it lacks is a cap/simmer ring. Fill the stove with methanol (or equivalent fuel) and cook away.
I have done some burn time testing on the above stove as well and I have gotten between 12 and 14 minutes of burn time from 1/8 cup of methanol which is comparable to the Trangia (burns 1/4 cup fuel in 20 to 25 minutes according to figures published in Campmor).
I hope that you enjoy making this stove as much as I did. Also, feel free to modify the stove design if you so choose. If you find a better or more efficient design I would definitely like to hear about it, so please e-mail me at with any suggestions for improvement.
Happy trails!
Shane Graber
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